Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Candida Diet Explained

While many people who suffer from overgrowth of candida alibicans in their body are able to identify the foods that aggravate the yeast problem, it can become overwhelming to see the list of foods to avoid. You likely begin to wonder exactly what one can eat while trying to cure the condition.

Since yeast thrives on sugar, it is a given that any sugar-containing treats are out, but so are many fruits, carbs, breads, pastas or anything with white flour. Fortunately, you don't have to subsist on alfalfa sprouts and water to get a handle on candida, but there are certain guidelines to follow and foods to eat on a candida diet that will set you up for the best chance at beating the condition.

There are, in fact, a lot of different types of foods one can enjoy on a candida diet, . Focusing on what you can eat, instead of on what you cannot eat, will help to make the dieting experience much more pleasant.
To kill the yeast overgrowth, consume vegetables with very little or zero starches. Another way to look at it is by choosing to consume low glycemic vegetables. Instead of starchy veggies like potatoes and corn, go for leafy, green vegetables, peppers, cucumbers, onions, or cauliflower to name a few.

Be adventurous and try new vegetables and learn creative ways to use them. Search online for candida recipes to find ways to incorporate these healthy foods into your diet.

You can still satisfy your sweet-tooth craving with low-sugar fruits, such as apples, berries, kiwis and citrus fruit. Again, focus on low-glycemic fruits, and avoid fruit juices, which typically have a lot of sugar. It is best to limit fruit intake to two to three servings a day.

For main course type fare, choose protein sources, such as meats, fish and poultry. It's best to grill, broil or bake the protein or to sauté it in olive oil. You'll want to avoid frying or coating the meat in flour or another type of breading.

Garlic is an excellent food to add to your candida diet. It is known as a healer and can strengthen the immune system while providing anti-fungal properties to kill out the detrimental yeast overgrowth in the system.

Other potential healing foods and supplements to eat on a candida diet include apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, grapefruit seed oil, fresh lemon juice, fresh cayenne peppers, flaxseed, and fish oils.

By being prepared each day and knowing what foods are on your menu you will be more likely to stay committed to the candida diet. Think of it has a food adventure and develop your candida recipes arsenal to make your menu as interesting and colorful as possible. As your candida symptoms improve, you will find it easier to commit to this healthier way of eating.

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