Saturday, 11 September 2010

Does the Cabbage Soup Diet Work?

Does the cabbage soup diet work where most other diets fail? Certainly the cabbage soup diet has been around for years often known by several different names. Here are my experiences and what you might expect.

Surely if one just ate soup for a week or so, that would be a painful way to lose some weight. Actually that isn't what this is at all. That soup functions just as a filler.

You eat all the cabbage soup you want whenever you want it and that way you never really get that empty feeling that drives you to quit. Key to the plan is a strict schedule for what you can eat on each of seven days.

Each day you eat just certain foods and leave off everything else. The foods allowed on each day changes as the week passes. If you look at the total variety of foods eaten in a week, there really is quite a choice. The challenge is sticking to just what is allowed each day.

Key to the fast weight change is what you can't eat. Clearly absent are breads, desserts and most, but not all, carbohydrates. What you end up with is a restricted calorie and restricted fat eating plan. That's the key to the results, not something magical in cabbage soup.

Certainly not a smart long-term eating plan, this is a way to eat that shows fast results. Is that worth the trouble, especially since yo-yo dieting actually results in weight gain, not weight loss, over time? Could be... Here's my theory.

Losing weight in a sustainable fashion is so slow progress is almost impossibly slow. You change your eating and lifestyle habits and then see nearly no results. What is the temptation? Just forget it...

Another way to go is to throw in a short eating plan occasionally that will really let you see the scales move. Even thought the plan does not by itself result in long-term weight drop, it may fit within the perfect route to health and fitness.

So does the soup diet work?

It does, in my experience, let you watch the scales drop fast in a fairly painless manner. Blended with a long-term eating plan, it can serve as a useful part of both losing weight fast and losing weight slowly.

Visit : Grape Nutrition

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it works very well if the diet structure is followed perfectly.Your post is very interesting and i have gained a much knowledge from it.
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