Monday, 17 May 2010

How To Find A No-Bake Cookie Recipe

One of the most popular recipes around, the no-bake cookie recipe is one that just about everyone has sought out at least once. The problem is that the search can be confusing, full of unnecessary information and blind leads.

While just about all general purpose cookbooks contain their fair share of cookie recipes, with all the favorites like chocolate chip, peanut butter and sugar cookies. But the no-bake cookie is an odd duck, and frequently doesn't make the cut when editors decide what to include in their offerings.

Oddly enough, because of the relative simplicity of the recipes, and the fact that no hot ovens or other dangerous utensils are generally involved, one of the best sources for no bake recipes are children's cookbooks; that is cookbooks designed either for kids directly or for parents teaching little ones their way around the kitchen.

Of course, finding kids' cookbooks can be a challenge in and of itself. Often times, bookstores don't file them with the regular cookbooks, not considering them proper culinary literature. They're more often found with the children's books, alongside Dora the Explorer, Clifford, Bob the Builder and Dr. Seuss. They often have a theme, such as Halloween or Christmas recipes, or are built around one of the more popular kids TV characters.

The advantage to these cookbooks for kids is that the recipes are usually very well tested. No publisher wants an army of ticked off parents beating on their doors (or their mailboxes) complaining that Little Johnny tried to make their cookies and the recipe failed. In fact, they'll often be so simple as to be nearly error-proof.

You may be a little bit appalled the first time you read one of the recipes at the simplicity, but if you mix your culinary know-how with the framework provided by one of no bake recipes, you'll start to "cook" up your own variations. Who knows? You might be the first person to write a no-bake cookie recipe cookbook for adults!

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