Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Soul Food Recipes - Why They're Going to Video

Soul food recipes have long reigned as the king of southern cuisine. Born out of the bonds of slavery during the pre-civil war period three centuries ago, this southern cuisine has grown into a billion dollar industry. It not only includes food manufacturing and restaurants, but also publishing and now video. Thanks to the popularity many recipe sites are turning to video instead of or in addition to written recipes.

This southern cuisine has given birth to many chefs who demand attention from their fans much like rock stars. Their celebrity continues to allow them to writer best selling books, open 5 start restaurants and even create their own television programs and more.

Many of today's recipes require easier methods to duplicate them. Seeing a recipe come to life through video makes it a lot easier to duplicate the dish. There's the little nuances you can catch by watching an expert prepare the dish that you could never get from reading a cold recipe alone. Many progressive websites continue to include instructional videos for their site visitors. And the response continues to be positive. "Having a video to watch definitely shortens the learning curve when it comes to preparing a dish," says Thelma Taylor. Thelma is a young wife and new cook who appreciates the simplicity the many free videos give her.

They're few if any cooking shows on television who give you details of how to cook soul food recipes. A growing number of consumers appreciate being able to go online anytime and get detail instructions on how to cook a specific dish. The many free soul food recipe websites that dot the internet continues to offer the changes today's consumer is demanding. Those changes are healthier cooking techniques and ingredients, as well as quicker ways to prepare meals. Now video recipes are catching the attention of more southern food lovers. Stay tuned for more changes to meet the needs of today's demanding consumer.

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