Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Home Remedies for Stomach Ulcers

It is not surprising that gastric distress is one of the most common complaints people have when they visit their doctors. Given the how hard it is to avoid eating a large amount of processed food and how stressful life is for many of us - the diagnosis seems to fit. Also, though antibiotics do cure many infections they can rob us of the good bacteria our bodies use to fight the bad bacteria that causes stomach ulcers.

Conventional medicine offers both over the counter products and prescription drugs to try to heal ulcers. Sometimes these methods work but often they don't. I myself took both prescription and non-prescription drugs for stomach ulcers but got no relief. I being a believer in natural cures did some research and tried some home remedies for stomach ulcers. For myself, the natural remedies worked much better than the conventional one and my research indicated that many other people had similar results. There are a wide variety of natural cures for stomach ulcers out there and after some research and personal use here is a list of some of the effective ones.

Cabbage juice is frequently suggested as a natural healer of ulcers. Though cabbage is known to produce gas it actually contains an amino acid called �L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine is known for helping to strengthen the cells lining the esophagus and stomach so they can repair themselves. L-glutamine is as effective as drinking cabbage juice and is more convenient as it comes in capsule.

Aloe vera juice is known mostly for helping with burns but it is also good for healing and preventing ulcers. You can find Aloe vera juice in� the health food section of your grocery. When I consulted an osteopath about my stomach problems aloe vera juice was one her first suggestions for treatment. �Now I always keep some in my refrigerator and even if I just have an upset stomach, I take about two ounces of the juice. Aloe vera juice is also anti bacterial, antifungal, anti viral and also an anti inflammatory agent.

Another effective remedy is cayenne pepper. I know it does not sound logical because pepper gives you that burning sensation in your mouth. but the pepper actually works. Some people advise taking it in the capsule form but others say you can simply take the ground cayenne pepper dissolved in water.� Several health food stores recommended it when I was shopping for a cure and many online sources did also.� Capsaicin is what gives peppers their heat. I felt warmth in my stomach when I took the capsule but it was not an unpleasant sensation. Cayenne pepper also has anesthetic properties and therefore may block the pain Capsaicin is also thought to reduce ulcer related bleeding.

There are several herbs that are used to heal ulcers by reducing acid in the stomach. Licorice, chamomile, cinnamon, marshmallow, slippery elm, calendula and agrimony are some of the commonly used ones. I found chamomile always to be helpful for an upset stomach and also took it as part of my regime to alleviate ulcer pain. Chamomile has antispasmodic properties, meaning it helps relax muscle contractions, especially in the smooth muscles that make up the intestines.� If you are taking blood-thinning medications such as Coumadin, heparin, Plavix, Ticlid or Trental you should avoid using chamomile as it might increase their effect.

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