Friday, 2 July 2010

Daily Healthy Eating Plans - A List of the Healthiest Foods

A lot of the time people can find it hard to get the right daily healthy eating plans to eat on a regular basis. In my own opinion many of the population are eating way to many foods that would be high in saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and the dreaded trans fats.

I believe this is because eating unhealthy fast food is far too convenient in today's modern society. With the demanding busy schedules with work and family life that people have the easy option is always to just get a take away or other types of fast food.

The average amount of calories for a man in a day is 2500kcals and 2000kcals for a woman. This should not consists of any fast foods or foots that would be full of poor fats. This amount of calories should be from healthy foods. Saying this even if you eat all healthy food but eat over your calorie intake then you will still put of weight.

In a perfect world peoples diets would be packed full of all the vitamins and minerals needed to sustain good health. Vitamins and minerals that are essential would include vitamin C, fibre, calcium and iron just to name a few. In this article we are going to detail a list of foods to add to your daily healthy eating plans to improve your health.

Daily Healthy Eating Plans

Cranberry Juice
Lemons and Limes
Bok Choy (Chinese cabbage)
Squash (Butternut, Pumpkin, Acorn)
Watercress and Arugula
Garlic Quinoa
Wheat Germ
Skim Milk
Shellfish (Clams, Mussels)
Salmon Crab

Adding all or just a few of these foods to your daily healthy eating plans will give you a massive improvement in your overall health. After a few week of consuming these foods you can expect to have more energy and mental alertness every day.

Recommend : Perfect Food Save! Store

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