Sunday, 18 April 2010

Cabbage Soup Recipes For Fine Eating

Cabbage soup recipes are just what you need for quick and inexpensive fall and winter meals. Cabbage is a staple in the diet of many people around the world. Just because it's common doesn't mean it isn't good. And it doesn't have to be bland and smelly either. It is a great dish when properly prepared.

One great way to use cabbage is in soup. Soup of any kind is filling and can be a low calorie part of a meal too. Cabbage soup is even the main part of a diet plan called the cabbage soup diet. With this diet you eat all the cabbage soup you want and then you have just certain foods to eat during each of seven days. The claim is that you should lose ten pounds in seven days. I've done the diet and it does work. But cabbage soup isn't just for diets.

It's cold where I live now and a pot of good soup is hard to beat. Here's the recipe my favorite cook just put together last week. I tested the product and it was mouth watering good.

Kathy's Fast Cabbage Soup

In a stock pot add:

2 quarts chicken broth
1 minced onion
2 minced garlic cloves
2 diced sweet potatoes (peeled)
1 grated small head cabbage
2 chopped celery stalks

Bring to a boil and then simmer 15 minutes.

Salt and pepper to taste. Have Tabasco sauce at the table.

Top with sour cream if that's on your diet.

Make chicken broth when you have chicken the next time. Cover leftover chicken bones with water. Bring to a boil and then lower heat and simmer for four hours. Remove bones. Then refrigerate broth.

This is thrifty peasant eating at it's best. Make up your own cabbage soup recipe using these general proportions. Of course you could substitute carrots for sweet potatoes. Make substitutions like that and make your own recipe.

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