Thursday, 22 April 2010

The Insanity Workout Review - Does Shawn T's Insane Max Interval Training Workout Get Results?

If you like to sweat and you appreciate pushing your body to the brink of complete and utter exhaustion, than Shawn T's "Insanity Workout" is definitely something that you will want to try. This workout is about has hardcore as they come, as Shaun pushes you further and further until you just feel the need to collapse to the floor.

The Insanity Workout uses something that is referred to as "Max interval training". This basically involves you taking part in an exercise and going at 110%, then after a short break Shaun T will push you to give it 150%. It's all about doing an exercise harder and faster to burn the most fat.

The Insanity Workout runs for a duration of 60 days, the first 30 days being easier than the next set of 30 days (though don't be fooled; those "easier" first 30 days will certainly kick your butt). The workouts themselves are approximately 40 minutes, though they will gradually increase to about an hour in length.

It has been said that this work out can definitely rival P90X when it comes to toning your body and losing weight. Granted, if you can stick to such intense work out regimes each and every day, you certainly will be losing a ton of weight, especially if you take care to watch your calories and eat appropriate foods that repair and build muscle on either diet plan. Why the Insanity Workout seems to be becoming all of the rage recently is because it is a gradual process. With each different work out routine, you do start off at a pace that allows you to learn the correct move and posture before increasing the speed. Shaun T also keeps things moving along at a pace that keeps things interesting and challenging.

Anyone who has a disability, does not like exercise, or cannot perform high impact exercises will probably not carry through with the entire 60 day Insanity Workout plan. A lot of jumping, push ups, and up and down movements are involved. Because of this, this workout plan may also not be ideal for older people or those who have a health issue that causes them to suffer from fatigue or low energy levels.

All in all, if you think you can keep up with Shaun T - or at least give it all you've got - then you are guaranteed to succeed.

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