A common misconception among many attempting to battle a common cold through alternative means, is the level of dosage necessary to invoke the proper response from your body. In contrast to synthetic medications, alternative and complementary medicines require a much different plan of attack. Quite literally, it is necessary to flood your body with a constant supply of nutrients in order to achieve the desired response. Many individuals assume, that by swallowing a couple of low-quality Echinacea capsules and eating a bowl of chicken soup that their body will miraculously return to health. This is an incorrect assumption. Lacking the desired results from such an ineffective approach is quite common, and by no means should equate to a lack of faith in alternative medicine.
The method I will share with you is virtually guaranteed to knock out your oncoming cold in less than 24 hours. That's right, I said 24 hours. However, keep in mind that this method is not for everyone. If you do not follow the regimen 100%, do not expect 100% success. If there is one thing that is frustrating, it is when someone attempts to discredit a natural remedy when only a half-cocked effort was made.Step One:
Take 1 ounce of "Super Tonic" (recipe below) combined with 4 dropperfulls of Echinacea every two hours. Combine the formulas in a shot glass, gargle with it for few seconds, and then swallow. Some people may not be accustomed to the intense taste of Super Tonic, but in the end it will all be worth it, I promise. If the taste is too much for you too handle, you can combine the recipe with 1-2 ounces fruit juice.**Super Tonic Recipe: Ideally, this would be prepared ahead of time so that the apple cider vinegar would have adequate time to pull out the botanical properties of the ingredients. However, while advanced preparation is the most effective choice, you may also liquefy the ingredients in a blender and then strain the formula through 2-3 layers of cheese cloth if you have not planned ahead.
Take 1 part - Fresh chopped organic garlic cloves, 1 part - fresh organic chopped onions (hottest available - similar to garlic), 1 part - fresh grated organic ginger root, 1 part - fresh grated organic horseradish root, and 1 part - fresh chopped organic cayenne peppers. Note: Part equals volume, not weight in this tincture method. Use a blender to chop up each of the ingredients until they are very fine!
Find a glass jar large enough and fill it ¾ full with these ingredients.
Fill the glass jar to the top with raw unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar (We use Bragg's)
Let it sit at least (15-16 Days) or (28-29 Days - for optimal strength).
Shake it as many times during the day as possible.
Strain this Mixture through an unbleached coffee filter or four layers of cheese cloth if you have it.
Step Two
Do not eat solid or heavy foods. Instead, drink 2-3 liters of fresh, organic vegetable juices over the course of the day. Because you will want to get as much rest as possible, and to make it a bit more convenient, you can juice the entire 2-3 liters at one time and store it in the refrigerator for later use that day. However, make sure that when you bottle the remaining juice, leave as little air as possible in the top of the bottle to avoid unnecessary oxidation, as oxidation can damage the delicate nutrients and phytochemicals which are essential to your recovery. Juice vegetables such as kale, carrots, parsley, cilantro, red cabbage, fennel, celery, beets, and for a bit of sweetness you can add an apple or two.
For those of you who do not own a juicer, simply limit your intake for the day to fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. The purpose of this (and juicing) is to give your body the necessary nutrition it needs to build a powerful immune system, while simultaneously placing a minimal load on your digestive system. Digestion of solid foods (especially meats and carbohydrates) requires a lot of energy from your body. Your body is already working overtime to fight off your cold, so by avoiding solid foods, you can provide all the necessary energy required to fight off intruders.
Also, some of you might be tempted to substitute store-bought vegetable juices for your own homemade fresh juices. This is not the same. Store bought juices are pasteurized (heated to high temperatures) which destroys the bulk of the nutritional value they were aimed to provide.
Tags : Grape Nutrition Cabbage Recipe
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