Friday, 30 April 2010

Knock Out Your Cold in 24 Hours or Less

With the impending cold and flu season on the horizon, many of us will experience that all too familiar tingle in the back of our throat; whether or not you choose to do something about it though, is entirely up to you. Some of you may find yourself seeking relief through the use of over-the-counter medications, while others may employ the use of antibiotics (a big no-no). But as is the case with the vast majority of synthetic medications, they may offer one step forward in temporary relief, yet ultimately result with two steps back in your progression back to health. While it may be tempting to reach for immediate relief through the use of synthetic medications, you are only slowing your body's natural immune response. Remember folks, our body is incredibly adept at overcoming health obstacles--provided you supply it with adequate means to do so.
A common misconception among many attempting to battle a common cold through alternative means, is the level of dosage necessary to invoke the proper response from your body. In contrast to synthetic medications, alternative and complementary medicines require a much different plan of attack. Quite literally, it is necessary to flood your body with a constant supply of nutrients in order to achieve the desired response. Many individuals assume, that by swallowing a couple of low-quality Echinacea capsules and eating a bowl of chicken soup that their body will miraculously return to health. This is an incorrect assumption. Lacking the desired results from such an ineffective approach is quite common, and by no means should equate to a lack of faith in alternative medicine.
The method I will share with you is virtually guaranteed to knock out your oncoming cold in less than 24 hours. That's right, I said 24 hours. However, keep in mind that this method is not for everyone. If you do not follow the regimen 100%, do not expect 100% success. If there is one thing that is frustrating, it is when someone attempts to discredit a natural remedy when only a half-cocked effort was made.Step One:

Take 1 ounce of "Super Tonic" (recipe below) combined with 4 dropperfulls of Echinacea every two hours. Combine the formulas in a shot glass, gargle with it for few seconds, and then swallow. Some people may not be accustomed to the intense taste of Super Tonic, but in the end it will all be worth it, I promise. If the taste is too much for you too handle, you can combine the recipe with 1-2 ounces fruit juice.**Super Tonic Recipe: Ideally, this would be prepared ahead of time so that the apple cider vinegar would have adequate time to pull out the botanical properties of the ingredients. However, while advanced preparation is the most effective choice, you may also liquefy the ingredients in a blender and then strain the formula through 2-3 layers of cheese cloth if you have not planned ahead.
Take 1 part - Fresh chopped organic garlic cloves, 1 part - fresh organic chopped onions (hottest available - similar to garlic), 1 part - fresh grated organic ginger root, 1 part - fresh grated organic horseradish root, and 1 part - fresh chopped organic cayenne peppers. Note: Part equals volume, not weight in this tincture method. Use a blender to chop up each of the ingredients until they are very fine!

Find a glass jar large enough and fill it ¾ full with these ingredients.

Fill the glass jar to the top with raw unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar (We use Bragg's)

Let it sit at least (15-16 Days) or (28-29 Days - for optimal strength).

Shake it as many times during the day as possible.

Strain this Mixture through an unbleached coffee filter or four layers of cheese cloth if you have it.

Step Two
Do not eat solid or heavy foods. Instead, drink 2-3 liters of fresh, organic vegetable juices over the course of the day. Because you will want to get as much rest as possible, and to make it a bit more convenient, you can juice the entire 2-3 liters at one time and store it in the refrigerator for later use that day. However, make sure that when you bottle the remaining juice, leave as little air as possible in the top of the bottle to avoid unnecessary oxidation, as oxidation can damage the delicate nutrients and phytochemicals which are essential to your recovery. Juice vegetables such as kale, carrots, parsley, cilantro, red cabbage, fennel, celery, beets, and for a bit of sweetness you can add an apple or two.

For those of you who do not own a juicer, simply limit your intake for the day to fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. The purpose of this (and juicing) is to give your body the necessary nutrition it needs to build a powerful immune system, while simultaneously placing a minimal load on your digestive system. Digestion of solid foods (especially meats and carbohydrates) requires a lot of energy from your body. Your body is already working overtime to fight off your cold, so by avoiding solid foods, you can provide all the necessary energy required to fight off intruders.

Also, some of you might be tempted to substitute store-bought vegetable juices for your own homemade fresh juices. This is not the same. Store bought juices are pasteurized (heated to high temperatures) which destroys the bulk of the nutritional value they were aimed to provide.

Tags : Grape Nutrition Cabbage Recipe

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Juicing - Why It's So Great For Your Health

What do you think of when I say the word "juice"? Do you automatically think of juice in a carton, bought from a shop? That is not juice. What you want is REAL juice, freshly extracted from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Why Juice?

The majority of peoples digestive systems are in bad shape, from years of eating the wrong kinds of foods. This means we find it hard to absorb nutrients from our food, to give our body what it needs to feel alive! This can often create a viscous cycle, where a person's health steadily declines, as they find it harder and harder to get the nutrients their bodies are crying out for.

When you put fruits and vegetables into a juicer, the machine extracts all of the nutritional goodness from the fibers. The resulting drink is pure liquid sunshine, which will become absorbed by your body without needing to be digested.

Vegetables? Really?

Yes, that's right! It's not just fruits that you want to be juicing, it's vegetables as well. Vegetables offer a huge amount of nutrition locked within their fibers.

I know what you're thinking, vegetable juice is going to taste horrible, right? Well, not necessarily, no. The best way to juice vegetables is as part of a recipe involving fruits. Also, carrot juice is sweet anyway. In fact, a good general guide to go by is to always have a carrot and apple base to your juice. So a standard juice might feature:


You will find that the apples and carrots will sweeten the taste of the spinach, or any other dark green vegetable you choose to include. There are endless variations on this theme, such as substituting pears instead of either the apples or the carrots, and substituting broccoli or watercress instead of the spinach.

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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Portuguese Recipes And Cuisine

Portuguese cuisine is very different from other that of other European countries, reflecting the country's relative isolation in Europe (it is bordered only by Spain) and Portugal's long maritime tradition - with Portuguese explorers bringing back many influences from the New World, Africa, the Far East, and the East Indies - and fish and seafood being a major and important part of the Portuguese diet. Portuguese cuisine is particularly known for salted cod, pork, and its exciting use of spices.

Some popular Portuguese dishes include:

- Bacalhau - salted cod - there are many different ways that this can be cooked, some say one way for each day of the year, whereas other says over 1,000.

- Caldeira - a stew consisting of a variety of different types of fish (and sometimes shellfish), together with potatoes, tomato and onion. Spices are sometimes added as well - typically nutmeg and saffron, cloves, allspice, piri-pri, or ground ginger and curry powder, depending on the region.

- In general, as noted previously, thanks to the country's long maritime tradition, a wide variety of fish and shellfish are eaten in Portuguese cuisine. These include crabs, hake, horse mackerel (scad), lamprey, lobster, octopus, sardines (especially when grilled as sardinhas assadas), scabbard. sea bass, shrimp and squid.

- Cozido á portuguesa - a traditional rich meat stew, made with beef and pork (or sometimes chicken), cabbage, carrots, turnips, rice, potatoes and Portuguese smoked sausages.

- Pastéis de nata - small creamy tarts, originally from Lisbon, but now popular throughout Portugal, as well as former Portuguese colonies.

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Tuesday, 27 April 2010

The Raw Food Diet - Explained

What is the raw food diet? It is a diet based on the belief that heating foods above 115 degrees destroys the precious enzymes it contains. When the enzymes are destroyed, it is more difficult for our systems to absorb and digest food. The act of heating food above 115 degrees is thought to greatly diminish its "life force" and rob it of nutrients.

Foods such as uncooked plant foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, grains, beans, nuts, sprouts and sea vegetables are what make up a raw food diet. There are no processed foods or foods that have been adulterated or modified.

In order to be considered a raw foodist, it is thought that one's diet must consist of at least 75% raw foods.

The health benefits touted by its proponents include better digestion and assimilation of foods, weight loss, reduced risk of disease, increased energy and improved skin, hair and nails.

There are less saturated fats and trans fats contained in unadulterated foods as compared to the standard American diet. There is less sodium and more important nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, fiber, folate, and plant phytochemicals. Studies have shown that consuming a raw food diet can not only reduce your risk of chronic disease, but it also is known to lower triglycerides and total blood cholesterol.

There are various methods for preparation used. Some wonderful cookbooks are available that are filled with gourmet recipes. While some of these recipes can be quite complicated to prepare, they are surprisingly satisfying and delicious. The creativity involved in preparing gourmet raw foods is astounding.

The typical equipment found in a raw kitchen differ somewhat from those found in a traditional kitchen. Tools such as a dehydrator (which dries food slowly at temperatures not to exceed 115 degrees), a juicer, a blender, and a food processor. You would also find a supply of glass jars and containers used for soaking and sprouting seeds, grains, beans, and nuts.

Embarking on a this type of diet may bring on some side effects that are associated with detoxification. Symptoms such as food cravings, headaches, and nausea are common and may last for a few days. However, once they have passed, the cravings will pass and you will start to feel extremely well. Brain fog lifts and energy levels rise.

It does take dedication to commit to a this pure a diet. Meals are prepared from scratch and ingredients used are not always typical. There are many websites dedicated to selling products to support this lifestyle. On these sites you can find difficult to locate items. A quick Google search will bring back many supplier options. There are also wonderful raw food restaurants popping up all over the country. Even if you are not a raw foodist, some of the finer restaurants offer a unique dining experience.

There are critics of the this diet who believe that the enzymes lost during cooking are not vital to digestion and that there are certain phytochemicals in certain plant foods that are actually released when they are exposed to heat making them easier to absorb.

Whether you chose to embark on a raw food diet or not, it is important to evaluate your current diet. Are you eating any uncooked plant foods? Are you getting the proper nutrition from the foods that you eat?

Regardless of whether you are a raw foodist or just want to eat more healthfully, it is important to consume about 50% of raw foods in a given day. This will ensure that you are getting the right variety of nutrients from your diet.

Related : Corn Stalk Ginger Bar Health Food Vitamin

Monday, 26 April 2010

Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet - Recipe and Diet Plan

The Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet has been around for decades under a variety of names, including the Sacred Heart Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Cleveland Clinic Diet, and the Spokane Heart Diet. Although no institution lays claim to being its source, the details of this meal plan have been widely circulated and, in some instances, even recommended by medical professionals. There are claims that users can lose up to 10 lbs in a week by following the steps described here.

However, dieters are cautioned to consult their medical advisers before using this diet.

The main component of the plan is vegetable SOUP. You are required to make a pot of soup with the ingredients described here. You can have as much of the soup as you like over a period of seven days, along with a few other items that are mentioned below.


* One or two cans of stewed tomatoes.
* One large can of beef broth (without fat)
* Three or more large green onions
* One packet/can of chicken noodle soup (similar to Lipton Soup mix)
* One bunch of celery
* Two green peppers
* Two pounds of carrots
* Two cans of green beans

Seasoning: Pepper, salt, parsley, curry, bouillon, and Worcestershire sauce are permitted.

Process: Cut the vegetables into bite-sized pieces and cover with water. Boil on high for ten minutes, then simmer until the veggies are tender.

The soup can be eaten at any time you are feeling hungry, in any quantities. It does not add calories.


* Tea, including herbal teas
* Coffee
* Skimmed milk
* Cranberry juice
* Plenty of water. Eight glasses per day recommended.


No alcohol during the seven days of the diet. Allow at least half a day after finishing it before consuming any alcohol.
No bread
No carbonated drinks, such as sodas
No fried foods


Day 1: Eat any fruit except bananas. Watermelon and Cantaloupes are recommended as they have fewer calories than most other fruits. Food today consists of fruit and soup only.

Day 2: Eat plenty of veggies today, whether cooked, raw or canned. Green leafy veggies are preferred. Try to avoid corn, peas and dry beans. No fruits today. As much soup as you want. At dinnertime, a baked potato with butter is allowed as a treat.

Day 3: No baked potato today but have all the soup, fruit and vegetables you can manage.

Progress Report: If you haven't cheated, you will probably find that you are about 5 lbs lighter at this stage. If you find that your bowel movements have changed, eat a cup of bran or other high fiber food.

Day 4: Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much skim milk as you want. Also be sure to have at least one serving of the soup. Your body now needs the potassium, carbohydrates, proteins and calcium contained in the bananas and skim milk.

Day 5: Eat 10 to 20 oz of beef (or non-fried, skinless chicken) and up to 6 tomatoes, as well as at least one serving of soup.

Day 6: Eat beef (or non-fried, skinless chicken) and veggies - as much as you like, especially green leafy veggies. At least one serving of soup.

Day 7: Have plenty of soup. Brown rice, veggies and unsweetened fruit juice allowed. Cooked veggies may be added to your rice, if you like.

Broiled fish may be substituted for the beef on one day.

Progress Report: By this stage, at least 10 lbs of weight should have been lost.

Stay off the diet for two days before starting it again.

Although this diet has more merit than most short-term diets in that it pays closer attention to nutritional requirements during the seven days it is to be followed, the restrictions mean that it can become boring, which increases the temptations to eat snack food or binge on fatty foods. For sustainable weight loss, menus which take into account your food preferences as well as nutritional needs and food groups are easier to follow and more likely to result in fat loss that does not return.

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Sunday, 25 April 2010

Papaya-Mango Salad Thai Style

Papaya salad is almost as much a staple part of my diet as rice is. For sure if I eat out and am not given any som tam, I will soon after be found at a roadside food vendor, correcting the deficiency.

If you lived on a diet of som tam and not much else, it is highly unlikely you would ever become fat.

Some restaurants use mango instead of papaya. Generally though I find mango to be too acidic for this purpose.

Ingredients to serve 4 people

1 medium sized green papaya, 4 small plum tomatos, 1 carrot, 10ml tamarind juice, 25ml lime juice, 2 cloves garlic, 50gm prik kee noo, 10gm brown sugar, 25ml nam pla, 25gm dried shrimp, 50gm unsalted roasted peanuts.

Peel the papaya and shred the green flesh (if you don't have a suitable implement for the purpose a coarse cheese grater may work).

Also peel and shred the carrot.

Put the shredded papaya and carrot in the fridge.

Soften the dried shrimp in a few mls of boiling water.

Pound the garlic and the prik kee noo together in a pestle and mortar.

Separately pound the peanuts together with the shrimp, but only until coarsely broken up, not reduced to dust or paste.

Mix the tamarind, juice, lime juice, fish sauce and the sugar.

Chop the tomatoes into quarters.

Mix all the ingredients together and serve in a bowl. Most restaurants would drain off some of the excess juice before serving, but I usually keep it.

This recipe will add exotic flair to your table and you can bet it just taste super1

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Saturday, 24 April 2010

Garlic Shrimp Recipe Easy Shrimp Dish to Prepare

The next time you want to make a garlic dish, you may want to look into the easy to prepare garlic shrimp recipe that can give you the taste you are craving. It is easy to make and does not take that much time to prepare overall either.

The garlic shrimp recipe is a delicious dish, which is made of lot of garlic (obviously), butter, lemon juice, and other spices such as salt and pepper. The essential ingredients for making this recipe include one third of butter, and one to two pounds of well-boiled, peeled shrimp. Then, you require four to five, medium sized garlic, which crushed and minced well. Finally, you require one third cup of fresh parsley, with that of two to three, tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and small quantity of salt for taste.

The preparation for this kind of recipe is as follows, where we have to heat butter in a large frying pan until it stops foaming for about 30 to 40 seconds. Then, you heat the shrimp along with the garlic until the color changes to light pink, to about some four to six minutes. After the above procedure, stir well the lemon juice, parsleys, and as well as small amount of salt to it. After which, remove the shrimp from the pan which is kept for baking for a few minutes and then serve the dish immediately to the people along with some rice or salad. This is a very simple, easy making dish, which consumes less time to prepare and leaves a lasting impression to the taste buds.

If you do not like garlic, then this recipe will not be for you, but if you are looking to add a little zest to just plain old shrimp, then the garlic shrimp recipe will do just that for you. Its easy to make and only takes about 10 minutes overall until its ready to be served. You can eat it as an entire meal, or make it as a side dish for appetizers if you are having a large gathering or entertaining guests at your house.

Visit : Vegetable Juices Juice Franchise

Thursday, 22 April 2010

The Insanity Workout Review - Does Shawn T's Insane Max Interval Training Workout Get Results?

If you like to sweat and you appreciate pushing your body to the brink of complete and utter exhaustion, than Shawn T's "Insanity Workout" is definitely something that you will want to try. This workout is about has hardcore as they come, as Shaun pushes you further and further until you just feel the need to collapse to the floor.

The Insanity Workout uses something that is referred to as "Max interval training". This basically involves you taking part in an exercise and going at 110%, then after a short break Shaun T will push you to give it 150%. It's all about doing an exercise harder and faster to burn the most fat.

The Insanity Workout runs for a duration of 60 days, the first 30 days being easier than the next set of 30 days (though don't be fooled; those "easier" first 30 days will certainly kick your butt). The workouts themselves are approximately 40 minutes, though they will gradually increase to about an hour in length.

It has been said that this work out can definitely rival P90X when it comes to toning your body and losing weight. Granted, if you can stick to such intense work out regimes each and every day, you certainly will be losing a ton of weight, especially if you take care to watch your calories and eat appropriate foods that repair and build muscle on either diet plan. Why the Insanity Workout seems to be becoming all of the rage recently is because it is a gradual process. With each different work out routine, you do start off at a pace that allows you to learn the correct move and posture before increasing the speed. Shaun T also keeps things moving along at a pace that keeps things interesting and challenging.

Anyone who has a disability, does not like exercise, or cannot perform high impact exercises will probably not carry through with the entire 60 day Insanity Workout plan. A lot of jumping, push ups, and up and down movements are involved. Because of this, this workout plan may also not be ideal for older people or those who have a health issue that causes them to suffer from fatigue or low energy levels.

All in all, if you think you can keep up with Shaun T - or at least give it all you've got - then you are guaranteed to succeed.

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Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Successful Detoxification With Cabbage Detox Diet

Lately detoxification is being given lots of attention. Although the idea existed for years, it was taken for granted by the people. However nowadays people have gained interest in detoxification, many people now feel a dire need for this. Perhaps this is because of the reason that there has been a drastic increase in the number of diseases in the present in the era.

Cabbage Detox Diet Removes Presence of Toxins:

We have exposure to numerous toxins & free radical present in the atmosphere which leads to a slow but regular accumulation of toxic wastes in our body. Such toxic & harmful products are in the air, water, food products that we eat and even medicines are not free from them, especially in the medicines for cancer. This is an alarming thought now because even if you take medicines to fight the toxins you will still be taking in more toxins one way or the other.

Cabbage Recipe: Cabbage Detox Diet

The cabbage detox diet is one of the most extraordinary, harmless diet programs used today. The cabbage has beneficial properties that are known to prevent cancer, among other known diseases. Cabbage detox diet normally has a 7 day detoxification program i.e. a full week, during this week the dieter's whole consumption of food revolves around cabbage in raw form or in any other desired form e.g. cabbage soup. Cabbage detox diet does not only remove harmful toxins but also an effective way to get rid of obesity by loosing weight.

A Drawback of Cabbage Detox Diet:

However like every other diet program, cabbage detox diet program also has negative effects. Cabbage detox diet can prove completely useless and difficult for a person who is used to eating very spicy & delicious foods. His taste buds would not be able to endure this blend i.e. spice less dish, and surely it will be troublesome for him. Some other people also does not like cabbage detox diet because they find eating cabbages for a whole week very boring & tough. The cabbage detox diet also does not have much nutrient-ional value like other diet programs and contain large amount of salt that you would pile up in your body.

Because cabbage does not provide the essentials & basic materials needed by the body, the cabbage detox diet can not be followed on for long. A person on cabbage detox diet might suffer from dietary imbalance so don't venture for it very often, once in 4 month would be enough If you feel the need of detoxifying your body.

Alternative Programs for Detox Diet:

Beside the cabbage detox diet program there are many other healthier alternative food programs available which might not sound as boring as munching cabbages for a week. You can detoxify your body by eating raw vegetables, raw fruits and a varied combination of different fruits & vegetables. The primary objective of detoxification is helping your body get rid of the gathered toxic waste in your system. So it would be best to keep yourself away from starchy foods such as cereals & fatty foods because as prevention is better than cure. By refraining from canned foods, sugar, caffeine, tea etc you can very well protect your body from the accumulation of toxic products.

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Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Cabbage Soup Weight Loss Fast And Easy

Cabbage soup weight loss is a quick and easy way to drop about 10 pounds in a week. This isn't a long-term eating plan. It's just a way to drop some pounds in a hurry. Sometimes that is just the motivator a person needs to start dropping toward an ideal weight. A quick weight loss in just a few days gets you started off right.

After you get started with the cabbage soup diet, you can shift to a more sustainable long-term plan combining sensible eating with exercise and over a longer period of time, you can attain your weight goals. Even though we all know that short-term diets don't produce long-term weight loss, as a motivator this plan makes perfect sense.

This diet is the first phase of a lifestyle change that will once and for all let you get your weight where you want it. And any time during your long-term weight loss plan where you need a motivational boost, drop back to the soup diet for a week and drop some more pounds again. Then go right back to your sustainable plan.

So what is a cabbage soup diet? Do you just eat soup for a week? That doesn't sound very appetizing does it? Actually that isn't it at all. The plan is that you will eat specific foods on each of the days of the diet. Then you eat all the cabbage soup you want. So the soup is a filler so you aren't empty with gnawing hunger pains. You're full all the time.

Now what kind of food can you eat on this diet? You get fruits and vegetable on some days. Beef or chicken with tomatoes is another day. One day you can eat bananas and drink milk. It varies day by day but in the week you get a wide range of choices. And there is no set cabbage soup recipe. You can vary the recipes to suit your taste. Make it bland or spice it up.

You can lose 10 pounds in a week. Then go on to lose as much weight as you choose with a sensible diet and exercise plan.

Tags : Cabbage Recipe

Monday, 19 April 2010

A Great Recipe For Chicken and Wine Sauce

It's always tough to find good, easy chicken recipes. Well, I recently found one for chicken and wine sauce. It is quick, tasty and is ready in 40 minutes. Now, after going to work all day, this one is a winner.

The first step naturally is your ingredients. These include two pounds of chicken, olive oil, Italian bread crumbs, eggs, salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic. The second part of the recipe calls for red or white wine, chicken broth and canned or fresh mushrooms (your preference). I use canned because this is supposed to be an easy to prepare recipe!

Next is the preparation. First, put two eggs with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika in a bowl and mix. Put chicken cutlets in egg mixture and then cover with bread crumbs.

Drench the chicken in oil and make sure you turn it when you cook it. This part can be prepared ahead of time and kept in the refrigerator. Before adding the second step, however, always make sure the chicken is at room temperature in a casserole dish.

In a separate large bowl, mix one quarter cup of wine and a one pound can of mushrooms (or fresh if you prefer) and mix.

Pour the mixture into the casserole dish holding the chicken stock, putting liquid and mushrooms on all of the pieces of chicken.

That's it...that's the whole recipe. Put the chicken in a 350 degree oven for 35 minutes covered with aluminum foil and then cook for ten minutes uncovered. Serve with rice or potatoes and a vegetable or salad and your dinner is done. Easy, delicious and it looks like it took hours to prepare.

See Also : Grape Nutrition Corn Stalk Buy Cheap Mushrooms & Truffles | LOWER Prices

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Cabbage Soup Recipes For Fine Eating

Cabbage soup recipes are just what you need for quick and inexpensive fall and winter meals. Cabbage is a staple in the diet of many people around the world. Just because it's common doesn't mean it isn't good. And it doesn't have to be bland and smelly either. It is a great dish when properly prepared.

One great way to use cabbage is in soup. Soup of any kind is filling and can be a low calorie part of a meal too. Cabbage soup is even the main part of a diet plan called the cabbage soup diet. With this diet you eat all the cabbage soup you want and then you have just certain foods to eat during each of seven days. The claim is that you should lose ten pounds in seven days. I've done the diet and it does work. But cabbage soup isn't just for diets.

It's cold where I live now and a pot of good soup is hard to beat. Here's the recipe my favorite cook just put together last week. I tested the product and it was mouth watering good.

Kathy's Fast Cabbage Soup

In a stock pot add:

2 quarts chicken broth
1 minced onion
2 minced garlic cloves
2 diced sweet potatoes (peeled)
1 grated small head cabbage
2 chopped celery stalks

Bring to a boil and then simmer 15 minutes.

Salt and pepper to taste. Have Tabasco sauce at the table.

Top with sour cream if that's on your diet.

Make chicken broth when you have chicken the next time. Cover leftover chicken bones with water. Bring to a boil and then lower heat and simmer for four hours. Remove bones. Then refrigerate broth.

This is thrifty peasant eating at it's best. Make up your own cabbage soup recipe using these general proportions. Of course you could substitute carrots for sweet potatoes. Make substitutions like that and make your own recipe.

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Saturday, 17 April 2010

Quick and Delicious Cabbage and Carrot Saute Side Dish

Sometimes you want a side dish with dinner that reminds you of your grandmother's cooking. Grandmothers have a great way of fixing just the right dish - it might be green beans with bacon bits; it could be a zucchini, tomato and chick pea saute, or maybe just mashed potatoes with that wonderful country gravy. You want something comforting and warm, made with old-fashioned ingredients...but is also quick and easy to prepare.

This Cabbage and Carrot Saute Side Dish has all of that and goes great with just about any main dish, whether you fix a roasted chicken or bake a scrumptious meatloaf. Carrot, when grated and sauteed near crisp adds an almost nutty flavor.

Cabbage and Carrot Saute Side Dish

Serves about four (4)


3 to 4 slices thick, smoked bacon...chopped into bits

1 10-ounce bag fine shredded green cabbage [sometimes called "angel hair"], or 6 cups finely shredded cabbage

2 medium onions, sliced very thin

2 large carrots, grated

2 tbls. Butter or margarine

Step One:

In a large fry pan, crisp the chopped bacon over medium to high heat. When crisp, with a slotted spoon, transfer bacon to paper towel to drain. Reserve bacon.

Step Two:

In the hot bacon fat, saute the sliced onions and grated carrots until somewhat crisp over a medium high heat.

Step Three:

Add the butter to the pan, stir until melted. Add the cabbage and mix. Stir the bacon back into the cabbage mixture. Saute until the cabbage is just soft. [The cabbage will reduce in volume as it cooks.]

Serve hot.

*Left-overs hint: Cabbage and Carrot Saute is great the next day, warmed and topped with scrambled eggs.

Nutritional Facts

540 calories, 16g protein, 54g carbohydrates, 31g fats (10.4g saturated)

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Friday, 16 April 2010

Maintaining Your Vegetarian Diet

Becoming a vegetarian is a life-changing decision. Simply making that choice puts you one step ahead, but the difficult part is following through with it. Here are a few tips to help you make that transition a smooth one.

Taking on a change as big as this requires baby steps. Start by having vegetarian meals three days a week for the first half of the month. You can substitute ingredients in your favorite dishes to make sure that they are meatless.

As a cooking tip, you can add in mushrooms to some marinara sauce to replace meatballs. You can also try replacing the meat in lasagna with beans. Making simple tweaks in your favorite recipes can encourage you to stay on track once you realize that meatless meals can be just as good.

Once you pass the two-week hump, you can commit to having vegetarian meals five days a week for the rest of the month. In this case, studying the natural foods aisle at your local grocery store will certainly work to your benefit. You can also explore the internet for great vegetarian recipes. For added motivation, treat yourself to new vegetarian products, and incorporate them into your meals from time to time.

Don't limit yourself either to simply being a vegetarian at home. Whenever you choose to dine out, experiment with their vegetarian dishes. Who knows, this may even inspire you to prepare new vegetarian meals at home.

Once you accomplish this, commit to having vegetarian meals for two more days in a week. This shouldn't be that big of a stretch since you've been having veggie meals five days a week for over a month now. This took an incredible amount of discipline on your part, so take pride in your accomplishments. By being a vegetarian, not only are you doing your body a favor, you're helping the environment as well.

Remember, it's not about getting things right, all in one go. Transitioning to being a vegetarian is hard work and it may take some getting used to, but soon you'll realize that the end results are priceless. Just keep rewarding yourself for making good dietary choices and you'll certainly be more motivated to continue heading in the right direction.

My Links : Flowering Tea

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Peanut Butter Chocolate Kiss Cookies

We have loved these cookies for years. Not only do we make them throughout the year, but it's always fun to receive them too.


1 ¾ cups flour

1 teaspoons baking soda

½ teaspoon salt

½ cup butter (softened)

½ cup creamy peanut butter

½ cup sugar

½ cup brown sugar, firmly packed

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons milk

Additional sugar for rolling

Enough chocolate kisses to add one per cookie


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a large bowl, mix flour, baking soda and salt.

Add the butter and the peanut butter and mix until smooth.

Add white and brown sugars and mix until light and fluffy.

Add eggs, vanilla and milk and mix until smooth.

Shape dough into balls and roll in sugar.

Place on ungreased cookie sheet 2 inches apart and bake for 8 minutes.

Remove from oven and add 1 kiss to the center of each cookie.

Return to the oven and bake for 1-2 more minutes.

We really like peanut butter, so will sometimes add a bit more. If you don't want such a strong peanut butter taste, use a bit less peanut butter.

You can also add food dye to the cookie dough. At the various holidays you can make different colored cookies. For Valentines Day, add red food coloring. For Christmas, make one batch of red cookies and one batch of green cookies. If you celebrate Hanukah, add blue food coloring to the dough. We have also used a peanut M&M instead of a chocolate kiss in the center of the cookie.
We prepare batches of these for bake sales, pot luck gatherings and to give as gifts throughout the year.

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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

The Cabbage Soup Diet - Success Can Be Yours

When I first heard about the Cabbage soup diet, I thought it was too good to be true. So how can a 7 day diet take as much as 14lbs off you?
Cabbage is among several foods that have a negative calorie value. This means that they use up more calories in digesting than they actually give in energy value. Among these kinds of foods are Celery; Asparagus; Beet Root; Broccoli; Carrot and Cauliflower. So in theory the more you eat of it, the more weight you will lose.

The reason is very simple: Your body burns more calories digesting the ingredients, than their calorific content.
This diet is fast, and fat-burning, and the secret is that you will burn more calories than you consume.

Fat Burning Cabbage/Vegetable Soup Recipe:

1 Small Head Green Cabbage

4-6 Spring Onions (chopped) or 2 large cooking onions

1-2 lbs Carrots

2 Large Green Peppers

1 Bunch Celery

2 Packet Vegetable Soup Mix (dry)

2 Large Cans Crushed or Diced Tomatoes

Cut vegetables into small to medium bite sized pieces, cover completely with water, boil fast for 10 minutes. Reduce to simmer and continue cooking until vegetables are tender, (about 30 minutes) season with salt, pepper, bouillon cubes, parsley, or hot sauce according to taste.

7 Day Meal Plan:

DAY 1: Any fruit EXCEPT banana today. Cantaloupe and watermelon are lower in calories than most fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today.

DAY 2: All vegetables. Eat until you are full with fresh, raw, or canned vegetables. Try to eat green leafy vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas, or corn. Eat vegetables along with your soup at dinner time. Tonight reward yourself with a baked potato and butter! Do not eat any fruits today.

DAY 3: Eat all the soup, fruits, and vegetables you want. Do not have the baked potato today. If you have eaten as above for three days and not cheated, you should have lost 5-10 pounds.

DAY 4: Bananas and skimmed milk. Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much skimmed milk as you can today. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates, as is the milk. You will need the potassium and carbohydrates today.

DAY 5: Skinless chicken (or lean beef) and tomatoes. You may have 10 to 20 ounces of chicken OR beef and as many as 6 fresh tomatoes (or canned) on this day. Eat the soup at least once this day.

DAY 6: Beef and vegetables, eat to your heart's content today. You can even have 2 - 3 steaks if you wish with green leafy vegetables. No baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once!

DAY 7: Brown Rice, Unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables. Again be sure to stuff yourself and eat your soup

The following are not allowed on this diet:

o Alcohol

o Bread

o Carbonated drinks including soft drinks

Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, along with any combination of the following: black coffee, black tea, unsweetened fruit juices, cranberry juice, and skimmed milk.

You may eat a cup of bran or fibre cereal with skimmed milk if you suffer from constipation during this diet.

This is by no means a long term diet plan. However if you follow it for the whole 7 days you will notice a difference because the soup itself doesn't contain any calories so the magic is you will be burning lots more calories than you are taking in.
After following this diet for 7 days although I didn't weigh myself, I did measure my body parts and I lost a total of 11 inches.

The best way to use the diet plan successfully, is to do a week of the cabbage soup, then eat healthily for a week, then do the soup again for another week. You can carry on doing a week on and a week off for as long as necessary.

Although lots of people fail simply because they can't stomach the soup continually, I found that the best way to go about it is to do only enough soup for a couple of days at a time. This way, each time you make it you can vary the amounts of each ingredient so that it tastes slightly different each time and you won't get sick of it.

There are forums available for more help and info and of course to support you on your road to success.

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Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Start Your Own Goji Berry Diet

Did someone suggest you to start a goji berry diet? If you are cracking your brain to find out your best berry diet, we have some suggestions for you which will surely make a difference and bring a change in your diet chart.

Breakfast: Goji berries can be had at any time during the day but youngsters prefer it as an excellent breakfast item. If you choose to have these health berries as your breakfast item you can have them with any kind of hot and cold cereals and with milk. You can include goji juice with your favorite juice and see the taste it brings to the general taste of your regular drink. You can have it blended in your hot delicious soup, include it in all baked foods and serve it with a lovely helping of salad. If you do not prefer your berries in any of these ways, you can always go for a handful of these berries just before your breakfast.

Mid day snack: Young girls who are on a strict diet regimen love to have these berries as a mid day snack. They love to have it as an energizing drink or as a jam which is spread over your favorite cake, bread and bun. Try it out in any form and enjoy the healthy benefits of this lovely berry. Teenagers often choose to have the berry as an energizing drink which is prepared especially with grated nuts, dates, nectar, honey and orange zest which gives it an amazing taste.

Lunch: If you wish to have goji berries for lunch it is best to include these berries in your regular soup or have it as a part of your salad. You can also add it to your vegetables, chicken and meat to give it an amazing taste. There is no suggested special recipe for this berry and depends on your imagination and creativity. One of the most popular ways of having this berry is mixing it up with various combinations of fruits and vegetables. Many people love to add a handle full of these berries in a big glass which is made up of cold water or hot water, herbal tea or juice and let it hydrate for a few minutes. The mixture soon becomes extremely delicious in its plump and juicy form making it a tasty delicacy. The taste of delicious chewy berries is the most delightful way in which you can use the berries. This makes one of the best meals with the use of goji berries and is very easy to prepare.

If you wish to have a healthier goji berry diet you can enhance its taste by adding pecans, pine nuts, apple slices, cherries, pineapple, coconut shreds and also walnut pieces to give it a lovely and rich taste. Children also love to have these berries in a mixed bowl of fruit salad with fresh cream or honey - perhaps the healthiest ways to have a diet rich in goji berries.

Thanks To : Infant Milk Chop Onion

Monday, 12 April 2010

Enjoy This Yeast Free Recipe

Are you looking for yeast free recipes that actually taste good? Believe it or not learning the following basic principles will make you a great Candida diet chef. Feed yourself without feeding the yeast and really enjoy your meals. For starters choose the food for each meal from a protein source, a variety of colorful vegetables and a non-gluten grain. Choose from these non-gluten grains: buckwheat, brown rice, amaranth, millet, quinoa and teff. Then add a tasty marinade, salsa, dressing or seasonings.

Be sure your marinades, dressings, etc, are free of vinegar and sugar. Try substituting lemon juice instead of vinegar and stevia instead of sugar (or other sweetener) in a recipe. Or you can just leave the stevia out too. Better yet, just leave out the sweeteners. You may be able to convert some of your favorite recipes to ones that are "Candida safe" by making these substitutions. Have fun. See if you love this recipe as much as we do.

Serve Becky's fajitas to everyone. It's so delicious and such a tasty dish that's also safe for those with Candida (yeast) overgrowth. Add some healthy tortillas for those without yeast overgrowth.



Mix the following ingredients in a medium sized bowl

2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 garlic clove, minced
teaspoon sea salt (optional)
teaspoon chili powder
teaspoon crushed cayenne pepper

1 pounds boned chicken
tablespoon oil
cup sliced onion
cup chopped green onion
1 cup zucchini, cut in julienne strips
1 cup sliced red bell pepper
2 ripe avocados, peeled and cut in chunks
leafy green lettuce, torn into bite size pieces
cooked brown rice
fresh salsa (be sure it's free of vinegar and sugar)

Whisk marinade ingredients together in a bowl. Slice chicken into strips. (Hint: If you're using frozen chicken breasts, slice them while they're still slightly frozen to make your job a lot easier.) Combine with marinade and refrigerate for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

In a hot skillet, heat oil and sauté onions, green onions, zucchini, and red bell pepper until crisp-tender; transfer to a bowl and reserve. Sauté marinated chicken for 4 minutes or until cooked—but not overcooked. Combine chicken strips with sautéed vegetables.

(Or lay marinated chicken strips in an oven-proof pan - Corning ware works well - and broil for about 7 minutes per side until pinkness is gone but chicken is still moist.) Arrange on a serving platter and garnish with torn lettuce and avocado chunks. Serve with brown rice and a bowl of fresh salsa!

You can make these fajita ingredients into a fajita salad. If you want to use tortillas choose organic corn tortillas (if you're not sensitive to corn) or rice tortillas. Steam each individual tortilla briefly to warm and soften it.


3 tomatoes
2 bell peppers
3 celery stalks
2 onions
bunch cilantro
3 sprigs of parsley
diced green or yellow ortega chili, fresh or canned
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon sea salt (optional)
teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/3 cup oil (optional)
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice (optional)

Using a food processor, chop the vegetables separately to the desired consistency; after chopping each ingredient, put them all together in a large bowl. (Process the parsley and cilantro with one of the vegetables.) Add spices, oil, and lemon juice to the mixture and combine everything well. Adjust seasoning. Store covered in the refrigerator.


While oil and lemon juice are optional, they preserve the sauce longer. If you do not tolerate tomatoes, leave them out and use red, yellow, and/or orange bell peppers. This still makes a very tasty salsa. Drying the salsa in a food dehydrator concentrates the great taste wonderfully.

Related : Ginger Bar Corn Stalk

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Cabbage and Chicken Soup Diet - Recipe and Diet Plan

The Cabbage and Chicken Soup diet achieves its weight loss goal by severely reducing the number of calories that are consumed. It is a variation of the famous Cabbage Soup Diet and offers an alternative to those who require more variety in their meals and makes it easier for users to stick to the plan.


The cabbage and chicken soup is prepared by using a head of shredded cabbage, four stalks of chopped celery, two green peppers, five carrots, a 16oz can of tomatoes, two onions, two cups of vegetable juice, two cups of chicken broth, and half a pound of green beans. Saute the onions in a pot (use spray oil for this) then add all the ingredients above and heat to boil. Towards the end add any herbs and spices that suit your taste. Simmer until cooked.

Diet Plan:

A cabbage and chicken soup diet works best when you follow the rules and eat as much soup as you want for a period of seven days.

Avoid eating bread and consuming alcohol or sugary drinks, such as sodas. Drink plenty of water as this not only helps the diet but is important for your health.

Breakfast Day 1:

Combine a cup of vanilla non-fat yogurt with half a cup of chopped fruit salad. This can be sprinkled with wheat germ.

Breakfast Day 2:

Combine half a teaspoon of sugar with 1 cup of ricotta cheese and a sprinkling of cinnamon.
Two pieces of wheat-grain slices of toast.
Three dried figs.

Breakfast Day 3:

One and a half cups of whole cereal.
Half cup of orange juice, preferably calcium enriched.
Half cup of non-fat milk.

Breakfast Day 4:

A small whole-meal bagel with an ounce of low fat, melted cheddar cheese.
Half a cup of prune juice.

Breakfast Day 5:

One and a half cups of cooked Wheatena Cereal.
Half a cup of non-fat milk.

For subsequent days, choose any breakfast from the list above. You may eat any one of these breakfast dishes each day and, for other meals, as much of the cabbage and chicken soup as you want. Bananas and skimmed milk may be added on day four. On the fifth day 10-20 oz of chicken may also be added to your eating plan.

Staying on the diet beyond seven days is not recommended. This is a diet for losing weight in the short term (3-5 days).

Special Concerns:

Because of the low consumption of carbohydrates, blood sugar levels will be low and this can cause hypoglycemia. Symptoms include headache, drowsiness, sweating, irritability and and anxiety. If this happens, eat a sandwich with whole-grain bread, a slice of ham and a piece of low fat cheese. Do not use butter or margarine. An alternative is a low fat cheese and tomato sandwich. If these symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

The cabbage and chicken soup diet is not intended as a continuing diet plan, so after one week you must be prepared to move on to a safer, more sustainable and healthier eating strategy. There are some excellent programs available for long-term use which continue the work you have started to get your body into shape.

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Saturday, 10 April 2010

Warming Winter Soups

When the weather turns bitterly cold then there is nothing much better than tucking into a hearty bowl of warming winter soup accompanied by a decent chunk of crusty bread. Even the act of making a soup is comforting and warming in and of itself.

Moreover, a soup can be as complex or as simple as you want. A little stock, some seasonings and a handful of watercress makes an excellent soup. Add a splash of cream and you have a satisfying meal.

The recipes below are for two classic soups: recipes for a winter Minestrone and a traditional Turkey and Cobnut (hazelnut) soup.

Winter Minestrone Soup

8tbsp olive oil
40g butter
3 large onions, finely chopped
4 carrots, finely chopped
2 sticks celery, finely chopped
250g potatoes, finely chopped
200g cannellini beans soaked overnight (tinned beans are fine, too)
2 courgettes, finely chopped
100g French beans, finely chopped
200g Savoy cabbage, finely shredded
1.5l chicken stock (fresh is best, but stock cubes also work well)
1 piece Parmesan curst
175g tinned chopped tomatoes
50g grated Parmesan cheese
salt to taste

Add the oil and butter to a large heavy-bottomed saucepan. Once the butter has melted add the onion and cook gently until soft and golden brown in colour. Next add the carrot and fry for a few minutes. Add the celery and again fry for a few minutes. Now add the potatoes and again fry for a few minutes. Next add the cannellini beans (if using dried) and the courgettes. Again fry for a few minutes then add the cabbage. Once all the vegetables are in the pot continue to fry (stirring frequently) for six minutes then add the stock, Parmesan crust and the tomatoes. Season and cover with a heavy lid. Cook gently or about three hours checking every half an hour or so to ensure that the stock isn't over-thickening (add more water if it is) but remember that the desired consistency should be soupy and thick. (If using tinned beans add them some fifteen minutes before the three hours is up).

Finally, remove the Parmesan crust, add the grated parmesan and adjust the seasoning. To gain the best flavour leave over night in the fridge and re-heat before serving the following day. Serve sprinkled with freshly-grated parmesan, garnished with basil and accompanied by crusty bread.

The next recipe is for a classic winter soup that makes the most of Christmas turkey leftovers:

Turkey and Cobnut Soup

75g cobnuts (or hazelnuts)
15g butter
1 medium onion, roughly chopped
1/2 tsp paprika
225g left-over turkey meat
900ml chicken stock
1 egg yolk
150ml single cream
1 tbsp chopped fresh chervil
salt and black pepper
fresh chervil to garnish

Place the cobnuts on a baking sheet and toast under a hot grill for a few minutes, turning frequently to make certain they are evenly cooked. Transfer to a hand blender of food processor and chop finely.

Melt the butter in a pan, add the onion and paprika and fry for about 5 minutes, or until the onion is soft. Add the turkey meat and stock, bring to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes. Allow to cool slightly then transfer to a blender and purée. Return the soup to a pan.

Meanwhile whisk together the egg yolk and cream and add to the soup. Re-heat the soup (do not boil), stirring constantly then add the chopped hazelnuts and chervil. Cook for 1 more minute then ladle into warmed soup bowls. Garnish with the chervil sprigs and serve.

Thanks To : Cabbage Recipe Collie Breads

Friday, 9 April 2010

How to Make Kim Chi

Kim chi is a famous side dish that is very popular in Korea and is a staple in Korean diet. With its tangy and spicy taste, it goes well with all courses such as steak, fried rice and noodles. Whatever you want to eat, if you eat it with kim chi, it adds a zesty kick to it. Learn how to make sweet and crunchy kim chi in a few steps!

What You Will Need:
Large Mixing Bowl
Crispy and sweet cabbage
Green Onions
Red Pepper Powder
Minced Garlic
Flour Starch

Steps to Make Kim Chi:

Preparing the cabbage

Step 1: Slice the cabbage into small bite sized pieces.
Step 2: Place sliced cabbage pieces into bowl. (Make sure no overlaps are occurring.)
Step 3: Sprinkle salt on the cabbage pieces
Step 4: Add enough water to soak the entire cabbage. This is a crucial step because the cabbage must be well seasoned with salt.
Step 5: Leave the cabbage at this stage for an hour or two.

Preparing the seasoning
Step 1: For everyone 1 cup of water, add 1 spoonful of flour.
Step 2: Boil water in a small pan. Stir until it becomes dense
Step 3: Slice green onions into small bite sized pieces
Step 4: Add water and fichu sauce into the red pepper in a small bowl for a richer taste.
Step 5: Leave it for 10 minutes to blend
Step 6: Add ginger, spicy garlic, sugar and salt.
Step 7: Add the boiled flour water and mix until it thickens.

Putting it all together.
Step 1: Rinse the cabbage we put aside with cold water to wash away impurities and left over salt.
Step 2: Gently mix the cabbage and the sauce together in a bowl.
Step 3: Lastly, put in the green onions and mix it.

Bon Apetite!

Friends Link : Ginger Bar Chop Onion

Thursday, 8 April 2010

The Best Free Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe and Guidelines

The cabbage soup diet recipe has been made famous by actors and models alike.

When trying to lose weight, one of the fundamental factors is making sure that you burn more calories than you consume; the Negative Calorie Diet book can be a great asset when it comes to making sure that you are doing this. It is based around scientific research and it contains over one hundred different foods which not only help, but require your body to burn more calories as your digest them than the foods themselves originally contain.

By doing this, your body is even burning stored fat. In addition to providing many nutritional fat burning recipes, the book also teaches you how to change your lifestyle by eating healthy foods, which will ultimately let you lose weight regularly, at a slow and steady pace that will also help you keep the weight off, unlike so many other diets, where the weight ultimately comes back on again.

One of the most popular recipes from the Negative Calorie Diet book is the Cabbage Soup diet. Please note, however, that the recipe can be modified to suit your preferences, as long as the main aim remains the same.

The Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe

o 6 large green onions;
o 2 green peppers;
o 1 tomato;
o 3 carrots;
o 10 ounces of mushrooms;
o 8 celery stalks;
o 1/2 of a head of cabbage;
o 4 cups of organic chicken stock;
o 8 cups of water.


Slice the green onions, place them in a pot, and sauté them with the aid of cooking spray. Slice the stem off the green pepper, and then cut it in half, removing the seeds and the membrane. Cut the pepper into small pieces and add it to the onions in the pot. Pull the outer leaves off the cabbage, cut it into small pieces, and add it to the onions and peppers. After cleaning the carrots, slice them into small pieces and add them as well, then slice the mushrooms into thick pieces and add them to the pot. Now is the time to add spices, such as cayenne pepper, if you want a spicy soup. Add in the water in chicken stock - or bouillon cubes of your favored flavoring; these provide all the salt and flavor required - cover the soup, and place it on low heat. Let it cook for about two hours, sprinkle in salt and pepper to your tastes


The guidelines are very simple. Simply eat as much of the soup as you like, whenever you prefer, for the following seven days and see the results on the scales quickly and easily.

Related : health juice Leek Onion

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Does Cabbage Soup Diet Help You To Loss Weight?

If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, you may have come across the Cabbage Soup Diet. This easy to follow diet is a radical weight loss diet which claims that the more low-calorie cabbage soup you take over a period of 7 days, the more weight you will lose. In fact, this diet claims that you will see drastic weight loss of about 10 pounds within 7 days.

As this diet is designed for short-term weight loss and requires no long-term commitment, it is little wonder that it has become one of the most popular diet around. Another reason for its popularity is that with cabbage, which has negligible calorie, as the main ingredient of this fat burning soup, you need not worry about spending too much money on it or gaining weight.

So Does This Diet Work?

This do-it-yourself diet claims that you can lose up to 10 pounds within a week. While that may be true, nutritional experts have pointed out that the weight loss is mainly due to water loss and not fat. They noted that it is quite impossible to lose that much fat within a week. Another point to note is that the loss of weight from this diet is temporary and hence you will probably gain back your weight soon after that.

Another point to note is that the original Cabbage Soup Diet tastes bland, hence many recipes for this diet has high salt content to make it palatable. For people who are not able to take such high sodium content, they should stay away from this diet. Dieters should should realise that there is practically no protein from this diet. As a result, people have reported feeling weak and light-headed during the course of the diet. One common reported side effect that result from the diet is flatulence. Hence, you should be prepared should you take up this diet. Of course, it is always advisable for you to consult your doctor before following this diet.

The fact is that Cabbage Soup Diet, although is a low-fat and high-fiber diet, is not a nutritionally balanced plan nor can it bring about permanent weight loss. With the emphasis on cabbage as a main ingredient, the diet lacks certain important vitamins and minerals. To follow this diet, you must also be prepared for the monotonous meals.

Personally I believe that this diet can be counter productive. Since the diet would force your body to go into slower metabolism, it would then encourage your body to hold on to your fat reserves. In the end, you may be only delaying your weight loss plan.

Recommend : Health Food Vitamin Premium Beef

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet

The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet is a cleansing program that is designed to remove toxins from the body. At the same time, the diet supposedly helps participants lose up to ten pounds in just three days. Despite its name, the American Heart Association has no direct affiliation with this diet plan, and it should be noted that the plan is not generally considered a healthy eating plan.

The so-called "3 Day Diet" has been around since approximately 1985 and goes by several different names. However, lately it is the American Heart Association title that has garnered the most attention. The American Heart Association 3 Day Diet has a rather rigid menu to follow. The foods that are chosen are meant to boost up metabolism and burn fat quickly. They are also reported to rid the body of toxins, build muscle, and provide dieters with increased energy. Some of the main food choices selected are rather surprising, though, and can be rather high in sodium, fat, and sugar.

The idea of the American heart Association 3 Day Diet is to follow strict meal plans based on the theory that certain foods, eaten in appropriate combinations, will jump start a person's metabolic rate. The total number of calories to be eaten each day totals only around 1,000 to 1,200, and only three meals are permitted. There is no space in the diet for snacks, and the largest meal of the day seems to be dinner. A sample menu might possibly include crackers with cheese for breakfast, canned tuna on toast for lunch, and vanilla ice cream and cabbage for dinner. It also incorporates tea and coffee for a caffeine jolt meant to boost a person's metabolism.

In the end, the misleading American Heart Association 3 Day Diet is not beneficial for a person's heart or other major body systems. It is just one of the many "crash diets" or "fad diets" that aim to help people shed pounds fast. Still, it is a much safer option than weight loss drugs and other fad trends and the plan can be used by those who are desperate to shed a few pounds before a major event. However, the actual weight lost will likely be from water and will most likely not be the ten pound estimate given. Additionally, after the 3 day diet is over, weight gain may result as normal eating habits resume. The diet should not be continued for any longer than three days, though, due to health concerns.

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Monday, 5 April 2010

Cabbage Soup Diet - The 2 Advantages and 3 Disadvantages Are Discussed

The Cabbage Soup Diet has been getting great testimonials from people who have undergone the diet. Some can attest that they have lost over ten pounds in just one week. Others say that it's the best diet they have done. However, others say that although the weight loss is undeniable, the after effects as well as the condition while on the diet is not worth it. The Cabbage Soup Diet is just one of the many fad diets that have hit the market in the past years. Let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of the Cabbage Soup Diet.

The 2 Advantages

1. Dramatic and speedy weight loss. The Cabbage Soup Diet promises weight loss of up to ten pounds in just one week. This can be very essential for people who have to undergo surgical operations and need to lose weight fast. The Cabbage Soup Diet is also essential for people who need to lose weight immediately for special functions such as weddings or an important first date.

2. The presence of good dietary fiber and other nutrients. Cabbage and the other ingredients have fiber in them that helps sweep away toxins and waste from the body. Cabbage, if eaten regularly and often can help with constipation and prevention of other digestive problems. Celery has the same effect as well as green pepper. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a helpful antioxidant known to reduce the risk of certain cancers. More importantly, Cabbage Soup is very low in saturated fat and has almost zero cholesterol. It can greatly help obese people in losing weight and can reduce the risk of heart attack and hypertension.

The 3 Disadvantages

1. The Cabbage Soup Diet can only be done in a week at most. Because of the dangerously low levels of carbohydrate and calorie content of the diet, medical experts only advise at most seven days for the diet to continue. A longer period can be very unhealthy and can result in a collapse in the dieter's health. Worse, it can lead to sickness and other complications.

2. Effects on the dieter during the dieting period. Some people who have undergone the Cabbage Soup Diet complain of irritability, weakness and lack of concentration. This is because the person is taking very little calorie and carbohydrates that they cannot function very well. The dieter also feels hungry more often since the soup, with the lack of meat, is often not filling. However, unlike the high protein diet such as Atkins and South Beach diets, this diet is relatively low in cholesterol and fat so it can be considered healthier.

3. Blandness of the Cabbage Soup. One can only take in so much cabbage. It lacks flavor and since the heart of the diet is cabbage, it is the main course in every meal with the dieter often advised to eat as much of the soup as possible. There have been many varieties of the Cabbage Soup already. Some add spices like curry or herbs to make it tastier. Because of this, the diet is criticized as having high levels of sodium which can be harmful to one's health.

Friends Link : Premium Beef Chop Onion

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Everyone's Irish On Saint Patrick's Day - It's Time For A Party

There really is no explaining it. On March 17th every year, much of North America adopts the green and becomes Irish, at least to have a reason for a party.

For a Saint Patricks Day Menu, Americans think of green beer and corned beef and cabbage.
That food and drink was not and is not a common Irish tradition. Originally, most people in Ireland could not afford or did not have access to beef. Their food was most often boiled cabbage and potatoes and, if they were fortunate, a bacon joint would be added to enhance the flavor of the meal.

Green beer was unheard of then and you'd be thought a fool in Ireland if you went to a pub and asked for one today.

How and when Americans adopted the tradition of corned beef and cabbage and green beer as part of the celebration is somewhat unclear, but here is what we do know. The St. Patrick's Day celebration began in the U.S. in 1737 when the city of Boston decided to celebrate the day of Saint Patrick's death as the Irish had been doing for many years.

The Boston celebration spread to other cities in America every year until the entire country, it seems, was celebrating the day.

It was in the late 19th century that corned beef and cabbage began to become more popular with the Irish emigrants in America and Canada, where both salt and meat were cheaper than in their native country.

They treated beef the same way they would have treated a bacon joint at home in Ireland. They soaked it to draw off the excess salt, then braised or boiled it with cabbage, and served it in its own juices with some pepper and bay leaf.

So pretend you're Irish if you are not, get out the green, put on a shamrock, and have a party with friends and family, or at least recognize the day by eating Corned Beef & Cabbage, a Reuben Sandwich, Corned Beef Cabbage Soup, Corned Beef Hash for breakfast or another more truly traditional Irish meal such as Guinness Beef or Mutton Stew and go ahead, toast the Saint and the Irish, not with a green beer, but with a stout beer (that's the Irish national drink and its black) or an Irish Coffee or Hot Double Irish or an Irish Cream Stinger.

To access all the food and beverage recipes, click on Saint Patrick's Day Menu. and enjoy!

An Irish Toast To You And Yours!

Always remember to forget

The troubles that passed away.

But never forget to remember

The blessings that come each day.

See Also : Tea Online Store Grape Nutrition Ginger Bar

Saturday, 3 April 2010

The Health Benefits of Cabbage

Sadly, most American households wrinkle their noses at the mere mention of this valuable, all powerful and sorely misunderstood vegetable. The word cabbage is usually enough to send children to their rooms with a myraid of excuses as to why they may not wish to eat their evening meal. While cabbage is a delicious and healthful staple in other countries, it is almost foreign to Americans, with the exception of good old fashioned cole slaw. Do recognize that this American cabbage specific, mayonnaise laden dish full of hydrogenated oils and other unmentionables, absolutely ruins the reason for eating such a healthful food in the first place.

Cabbage is a sturdy, strong and abundant vegetable. Hardy and easy to grow, it is almost universally available in all countries and cultures. Cabbage belongs to the all important family of cruciferous vegetables. The members of this family of vegetables are so named for their cross shaped (crucifer) flower petals. Rich in nutrition and fiber, cabbage is an absolutely phenomenal source of Vitamin C. Even more impressive is that cabbage is famous for a specialized, naturally occurring, nitrogenous compound known as indoles. Current research indicates that indoles can lower the risk of various forms of cancer.

Cabbage was popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans. An early Roman medicinal preperation blended lard with the ashes of burnt cabbage to make an ointment for disinfecting wounds. Throughout history, the Asian diet has been rich and abundant in cabbage and its various varieties. Epidemiological studies have found that men living in China and Japan experience a much lower rate of prostate cancer than their American counterparts. Similar data has been uncovered regarding breast cancer rates among women.

It is no wonder that the lowely, plain, boring cabbage gets rave reviews from the world of nutritionists. Cabbage is relatively cheap yet one of the richest when it comes to protective vitamins. Talk about the original weight loss food! One cup of cabbage contains only around 15 calories.

Cabbage is rich in the following nutrients:

Vitamin A: responsible for the protection of your skin and eyes.

Vitamin C: an all important anti-oxidant and helps the mitochondria to burn fat.

Vitamin E: a fat soluble anti-oxidant which plays a role in skin integrity.

Vitamin B: helps maintain integrity of nerve endings and boosts energy metabolism.

Modern science has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the health benefits and therapeutic value of cabbage, which also plays a role in the inhibition of infections and ulcers. Cabbage extracts have been proven to kill certain viruses and bacteria in the laboratory setting. Cabbage boosts the immune system's ability to produce more antibodies. Cabbage provides high levels of iron and sulphur, minerals that work in part as cleansing agents for the digestive system.

There are many different varieties of cabbage, so please, be brave and innovative. Green cabbage is the most popular, common and of course the one we are most familiar with. Take a walk on the wild side with Savoy cabbage. With yellow crinkled leaves, you can use this variety of cabbage as an alternate in many recipes. Let's not forget Bok Choy, a routine addition to Chinese recipes that has a sweet, light, celery type familiarity. Red Cabbage. It goes without saying in that it simply has to be good for you given all that beautiful plant pigment where the majority of nutrition is stored. Red cabbage is good in salads and is commonly pickled. Napa cabbage has a mild sweet taste and is incredible in stir fry dishes.

Whatever your choice of cabbage may be, enjoy a serving at least once a week along with your other valuable and health promoting cruciferous vegetables. Try to cook your cabbage lightly. Steaming and quick stir fry dishes are considered to be the best methods for preserving the power packed natural nutrition given so freely by Mother Nature. Cabbage soup anyone?

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Friday, 2 April 2010

Lithuanian Recipes and Cuisine

The cuisine of Lithuania shares much with Polish cuisine, and Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine. Some dishes also show the influence of German culinary traditions, and there even some influences from the Karaite Jews of the Crimea!

Some popular Lithuanian soups include:

- Barsciai - The Lithuanian version of borscht (beet soup). Chopped mushrooms are often added, and sometimes the soup may be blended with butter or sour cream.

- Bulviniu kukuliu sriuba - A soup made with minced potato shaped into balls and then boiled in milk.

- Saltibarsciai - A bright pink cold borscht soup, made using cooked or pickled beets and chopped vegetables. Often served with chopped hard-boiled eggs, sour cream and hot boiled potato.

- Sauerkraut soup - A soup made from sauerkraut. Often seasoned with bay leaves, carrots, onions and pork.

- Vistos sultinys - Chicken soup

Some popular Lithuanian appetizers include:

- Idaryti kiausiniai - Hard boiled eggs, cut in half, stuffed and garnished.

- Idaryti pomidorai - Tomatoes, cut in half, stuffed and garnished.

- Lasiniai - Pork underskin fat. Often eaten in sandwiches with unbuttered bread and onion.

- Pirsteliai prie alaus - Rolled up puff pastries.

Some popular Lithuanian main courses include:

- Balandeliai - Cabbage leaves stuffed with meat, then braised.

- Bigos - A stew made from meat (various types may be used), sausage and cabbage.

- Cepelinai (also known as "didzkukuliai") - Often considered the Lithuanian national dish, cepelinai are potato dumplings stuffed with meat, cheese or mushrooms. They may be garnished with onion, sour cream, or spirgai (fried pork underskin fat).

- Kedainiu blynai - Potato pancakes filled with chopped meat.

- Kibinai - Pastry with mutton and onions.

- Kotletai - Ground (minced) meat patties, served with potato and a sauce.

- Lietiniai - Thin pancakes filled with ground (minced) meat and cheese with cinnamon, or with minced sauteed mushrooms.

- Saltnosiukai - Dumplings with lingonberries.

- Saslykai - Cubes of pork, marinated and cooked on a skewer over a fire. The Lithuanian version of shashlik.

- Skilandis (also known as "kindziukas") - Pig stomach, stuffed with ground (minced) meat and garlic, then smoked and matured.

- Zemaiciu blynai - Potato pancakes.

Some popular Lithuanian desserts include:

- Kuciukai (also known as "slizikai") - Small baked rolls traditionally eaten on Christmas Eve (Lithuanian: Kucios).

- Sakotis - A traditional Lithuanian cake, most often eaten at wedding and birthday celebrations. It is prepared by painting layers of batter on a rotating spit in a special oven, and has a distinctive spikey appearance. It may be served plain, or decorated with chocolate and flower ornaments.

- Spurgos - The Lithuanian version of donuts.

- Zagareliai (sometimes known as "chrustai" or "krustai") - Twisted deep-fried pastries covered with powdered sugar.

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